Frequently Asked Questions

& Policies

What training methods do you use?

I use the humane hierarchy as my guiding principles for training. That means I start by looking at lifestyle factors, move on to prevention, and then work on teaching and reinforcing alternative behaviours.

Aversive tools are not in my kit. That means no prongs, chokes, or pinch collars, e-collars, corporal punishment or corrections. If you currently use these tools, don't despair! I'm happy to help you in your journey, no matter where you are at, if you are open to working towards no longer needing those tools. Judgement free, guaranteed.

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Will I have to use treats to train my dog?

Yep. But not for everything, and not forever. Using food helps us get results fast, and I'll make sure you don't create the "show me the money" dog that will only do stuff if you have a treat in your hand.

Worried that your dog isn't food motivated? That's ok! We can find out what works for your dog.

Trainer's favourite treats:

  • Real food (boiled chicken, cooked steak, bacon, pork loin, cheese, apple, red pepper, carrot... whatever your dog likes... I have used french fries, cheetohs, and broccoli with my own dogs!)

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What is Fear Free?

Fear Free provides online education to veterinary professionals, pet professionals, animal welfare communities, and pet owners. Our mission is to prevent and alleviate fear, anxiety, and stress in pets by inspiring and educating the people who care for them.

My job as a certified fear free trainer is to assist in reducing fear, anxiety and stress in our pets by conditioning a calmer, more positive care experience for the pet; assisting in procedure and follow-up preparation; assisting in calmer transportation; teaching clients how to read, assess, and respond to signs of fear, anxiety, and stress; and teaching cooperative care behaviours to assist in all aspects of care and husbandry.

Read more and access amazing resources for both pros and guardians here:

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Do you work with other species too?

While dogs are my forte, I do also work with cats, although I am not nearly as experienced with them. Luckily, the methods of training I use work for all species, domestic and wild. The Toronto Zoo does incredible work with their animal guests. Take a look at this hyena showing off its tricks!

Fun fact: I trained an Angel Fish to swim through a hoop and to follow my finger during my Karen Pryor Academy Professional Dog Trainer Course.

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Why can't I just call or text you?

Work life balance my friends. For me to provide the best, I've gotta be at my best. It also means all of our communication is in one place, instead of spread out across multiple platforms.

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Do you offer dog walking or dog sitting?

Not at this time.



Click Treat Repeat has strict refund policies on all services purchased. Clients should be prepared for the financial and time requirements needed to be successful in our programs prior to purchase. No refunds will be issued for appointment no-shows.

Cancellations & Rescheduling

Cancellations/Rescheduling require at least 48 hours notice, otherwise your prepayment is forfeited. No refunds will be issued for missed appointments. Exceptions will be granted if you are Covid-19 symptomatic, exposed, or test positive after the 48 hour cancellation window.


All dogs involved in training must have vaccinations up to date. It is the guardian's responsibility to make sure that vaccinations are recent and up to date.


Click Treat Repeat does not provide any guarantees for outcomes of training. Behaviour cannot be guaranteed; living beings are not robots that can be reprogrammed for 100% correct responses to x,y, and z.

We DO guarantee empathetic support through every part of the training process, and professional service throughout our relationship.

Let's uncomplicate

life with your dog.

Effective training means it works for the dog AND you. You don't need to figure it all out yourself, or pick and choose which youtube videos or tiktok tutorials are legit. Simplify your life by working with us, and be sure you're getting the most effective plan for you and your dog.

Bringing R+ Dog Training to

Hamilton, Ontario

In-person consultations provided within:

Lincoln M. Alexander Parkway

Garth Street, Industrial Drive, and Ottawa Street

Virtual consultations available worldwide.

© 2023 Click Treat Repeat

Functional Dog Training for a Busy World